Families., Industry, Local characters., People.

Mr George Webb and the Ganarew Motorcycle Company.

So far as the advent of motor cars and motorcycles were concerned, Britain was at least a decade behind France and Germany. In 1896 there were only ten cars in the whole of the UK.* Mr George Webb of Crockers Ash had probably been in business before this selling conventional pedal type cycles from his shop… Continue reading Mr George Webb and the Ganarew Motorcycle Company.

Families., Local characters., People., Places.


ELIZABETH POSTHUMA GWILLIM.  (Abridged by Hilary Stratford from ‘The Extraordinary Lives of Elizabeth Posthuma Gwillim and John Graves Simcoe’ by Ann Gwillim Parker) Elizabeth Posthuma Gwillim was the daughter of Elizabeth (a widow, her husband having died in 1721). At the time of her birth in September 1762, her mother was living with her grandmother… Continue reading ELIZABETH POSTHUMA GWILLIM From Whitchurch.

Local characters.

Characters of the Symonds Yat West. Peg Leg Bill.

One of the ‘heroes’ of the Symonds Yat area was affectionately known as Peg Leg Bill. William Lewis was born in 1898 and brought up in Monmouth. During the first World War he was posted with the Gloucestershire regiment to Agincourt (sounds appropriate for a Monmouth man!) and, sadly, lost a leg during the war.… Continue reading Characters of the Symonds Yat West. Peg Leg Bill.

Local characters.

‘Characters’ of the Doward area. Old Molly Green – The Witch of The Doward

In the latter part of the 19th Century a woman called Molly Green lived in a house called Horse Pool Cottage, the nearest dwelling to Horse Pool itself. She was known as Old Molly Green and was reputed to be a ‘very dangerous woman’, believed to be responsible for a number of worrying incidents. She… Continue reading ‘Characters’ of the Doward area. Old Molly Green – The Witch of The Doward

Local characters.

Albert Brydges Farn – The Butterfly Expert.

Albert Brydges Farn, known as A.B.F. was a famous occupant of Crockers Ash House. He was a keen scientist with interests in ornithology, zoology and lepidoptery. The latter meaning that he was, above all else, an expert in Butterflies and Moths. He first moved to Herefordshire in 1906 with the intention of saving the last… Continue reading Albert Brydges Farn – The Butterfly Expert.